Think for example that we've only 4 visible lines for a textField t. How to prevent that users will write or just paste more text overfolwing on line 5?
below the solution I adopted:
1 I add a custom textfield with some height;
the first trouble is how many line the textfield is if this text is empty? (i just add a recursive function for understand this) check at getLastVisibleLine.
2 I slice each character under the last visible line.
package { import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFieldType; import flash.text.TextFormat; import; import; public class TextFieldUtil extends Sprite { public function TextFieldUtil() { } //undestand how many lines we can insert in a textField without scrolling public static function getLastVisibleLine(t:TextField):int { t.type = TextFieldType.INPUT; var current_string:String = t.text; t.text = ""; var l:int = 0; var scrld:Boolean = false; t.addEventListener(Event.SCROLL, checkScrl); function checkScrl(e:Event) { = 0; t.text = current_string; scrld = true; } while (scrld == false) { l++ t.appendText("\n"); } t.removeEventListener(Event.SCROLL, checkScrl); return l; } public static function createCustomTextField(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):TextField { var t:TextField = new TextField(); t.type = TextFieldType.INPUT; t.mouseWheelEnabled = false t.wordWrap = true; t.multiline = true; t.x = x; t.y = y; t.width = width; t.height = height; //t.background = true; //t.border = true; var visiblesLines:int = getLastVisibleLine(t); t.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, function (e:Event) { // lock text insertion and delete exceeding characters. var t:TextField = as TextField; if (t.numLines > visiblesLines) { t.type = "dynamic"; } while (t.numLines > visiblesLines){ var current_string:String = t.text; t.text = current_string.slice(0, -1); } t.type = "input"; }); return t; } } }I wrote also a version with styles and special textFormat. Maybe I'll post in the future.